Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fun out and about

I felt really bad about not taking Morgan outside today, but it was so humid outside and we have mosquitos galore.

Morgan had already painted several masterpieces. That's enough to wear anyone out, but she is like the Energizer bunny.

She told me that the painting (below) was of our Golden Retriever, Dee Dee. It sure looks like a dog to me!

After she was done painting, she played with a lot of her toys, watched a couple of her Baby Einstein DVDs (that she hadn't looked at in a while), and she "read" her encyclopedia of animals.

After all of that, I could tell she was getting cabin fever.

I mentioned going to the grocery store and she came up to me and said, "Mommy, you want to go with me to the grocery store?" She always mixes that up, instead of asking if she could go with me! I told her she could go with me, but didn't tell her what else I had in mind.

I drove past Food Lion and into Burger King's parking lot. I hadn't taken her there before. I knew they had the indoor playground, and that I could get her into BK without seeing it. So, we went and ordered our food and ate. I wouldn't have been able to get her to eat if she knew there was a playground there!

After we were done eating, she was expecting to go to Food Lion. But, I opened the magical door that led to the playground instead. She was oohing and aahing and asked if she could play. I told her that she could.

She has only been to such a playground once before. That was at a McDonald's and it was a year ago. When I took her to that one last year, she was the only kid there and I went on it with her.

So, today she said, "Come on Mommy! Come in here!" I told her that Mommys and Daddys could not go on it, that we might break it. I said, "You can do it!" I saw that there was a sign that said children must be 4 - 10 years of age. She is 3 1/2. (oops) I just couldn't tell her that she couldn't play there after all.

As luck would have it, there were four girls and one boy playing there. They took Morgan under their wings. They helped boost her up when something was too high (in her mind) for her to climb on. She had a blast! She climbed and slid for almost an hour. I was so thankful that those children helped her. We both thanked them. One girl gave Morgan a big hug when she was leaving.

I thought I would have a hard time getting her to leave, but since the other kids left, and she still felt like she couldn't climb it on her own, she readily left. I wish I had brought my camera with me.

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