Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tree hunting and boat parade

Jim and I decided to go Christmas tree shopping today. I usually wait a little later in the month to get a real tree, but then I found out that all of the trees in the lot are cut at the same time. Jim ended up working overtime the night before and was going back in that evening to work, so Morgan and I went without him. I asked Susanne if she could drive us over in her truck since she already had a car seat in her's and I would have had to move mine. Luckily, the tree lot is only five blocks away, so it was very convenient since she was already in the neighborhood.

When we arrived, Morgan was in awe of all of the trees we had to choose from. She had fun going around the lot, looking at all of them.

I usually know the tree I want when I first see it, and I did. But, I still went around the entire lot four times looking at all of them. When I kept going back to the same tree, I knew that was the one.

The tree is paid for and the guys are getting ready to load it onto Susanne's truck.

Now for the short trip home.

Two hours after we got home, I heard fireworks in the distance. I realized what was going on, the annual "Parade of Lights". It is a parade of boats on the river all decked out in Christmas lights. I had thought that the parade was going to be next Saturday! So, I hurried and got Morgan ready and rushed out to the river. We could hear the fireworks all the way there. Unfortunately, we arrived immediately after they ended. Oh well, it wasn't a total loss, the boats hadn't arrived yet.
I parked at the yacht club and we got out to walk to the boardwalk. It started to sprinkle, but it wasn't enough to warrant an umbrella.

You can't tell it in the picture below, but Morgan was excited because there were a lot of small children out there. She didn't quite know what we were there to see, but once she saw the boats, she really liked them. In fact, she wanted to ride them.
Here are just a few of the boats to give you an idea of the parade.

Some of the boats had Christmas music playing and the last one had Santa Claus. It was a small parade, but it was a nice treat. It was a shame that her Daddy couldn't come with us.

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