Thursday, October 30, 2008

A day out with Mommy

I can't wait until Christmas time because Morgan has outgrown the majority of her toys (developmentally). I may give in and get a few things before Christmas to keep her occupied. Her Daddy told me that we wouldn't get her much for Christmas because she has so much now. I told him I was going to be giving a lot away because they were for younger children.

The good thing is that she is using her imagination a lot, finding new ways to play with old toys. But, the other night she said to me, "Mommy, I need something to do."

Today I decided to surprise her. I told her that I was taking her to McDonalds, but didn't tell her that I had other plans. She was happy just to go there.

We went to McDonalds and she got her chicken nuggets and "hot fries". She always calls french fries that. I guess it started when I would tell her that her fries were hot and she had to be careful.

We had a nice time at McDonalds. There were quite a few kids there that she was interacting with. Then, I drove her to a playground. We had the playground to ourselves and she had a blast.

She liked climbing the big slide backwards and sliding down on her stomach! I thought she was going to wind up with a red belly, but she didn't.

We stayed at the playground until about an hour before dark.

She even swung on the big kids swings. I tried to teach her how to use her body to move the swing by herself, but she told me that it was too hard and she couldn't do it. She'll be swinging on her own soon enough.

We had a really nice day. I even played on the slides and the swings. But the big slide had a bump in it that hurt my rear going down!
When we got home, Morgan looked over at her swingset and said, "Mommy, I have a playground in my yard. But, I have a little slide". I said, "Yes, you DO have a playground!" I think it was more fun to go somewhere new. I know I had fun! Besides, I am too big to go down our slide.

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