Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween fun

Morgan has been talking the last couple of months about how she wanted to dress up as Tigger for Halloween. She said that she wanted me to be Winnie the Pooh and her Daddy to be Eeyore. I did find a Tigger costume for her online, but I figured it would be too hot for her to wear. We usually have mild weather on Halloween. So, I didn't order the Tigger costume. I took Morgan to Wal*Mart and decided to let her peruse the Halloween aisles.

Morgan zeroed in on a "Go Go Girl" costume right away. She told me she wanted that costume. I was pleasantly surprised because we went through a period this summer where she decided she didn't like to wear dresses. In order to get her to wear a dress, we had to tell her that it was a "long shirt".

The costume she picked out had a 60's inspired psychedelic print dress. It had a white vinyl looking cap and shoe covers that looked like knee length boots.

Morgan talked about Halloween a lot in the last week. When it was time to get ready to go, Morgan told me, "I don't want to go trick-or-treating now". She didn't want to put her costume on either. I told her that we were going to go to McDonald's and was able to get her to put the dress on. I painted a heart on one cheek and a flower on the other.

We stopped by my Mother-In-Law's house on the way to McDonald's. Morgan's grandma had wanted her to come over there. My MIL wasn't planning on giving anything out to anyone else and she didn't have any candy at home. So, I gave her the stuff to give to Morgan.

When we got to her house, Morgan did not want to knock on the door.

You can see she is not looking happy.

But once she saw that she was getting her favorite treat (a Little Debbie cake), her face changed.

We left Grandma's, went to McDonald's drive-through, then headed to the mall.

Once we got to the mall, the first thing Morgan saw was another little girl with a costume on. I told her, "Look! That little girl is wearing her boots!" THEN Morgan wanted the rest of her costume on.

Of course, Morgan had to ride the car when she saw it.

She also just had to ride the escalator. Here she is with her Godmother, Susanne.

We walked all over the mall and got a lot of candy. Morgan really enjoyed looking at all of the kids and their costumes. But, a couple of the masks scared her. She kept her eye on the costumes that scared her, and held my hand tighter. I would tell her that it was a little boy wearing that silly mask. She nodded like she understood, but she still didn't like it.

She was quiet when she said "trick or treat" and "thank you". I could barely hear her.

We left the mall and headed over to her best friend, Andrew's house. Morgan and Andrew just love each other! He is a year older than her, but they are about the same height.

Andrew led Morgan inside and we stayed for a couple of hours.

Andrew was dressed as a scarecrow.

Then her changed into another costume.

There were hugs and kisses goodbye and then we headed home.
Morgan's Daddy was working overtime, so he didn't go out with us. We rode with Morgan's godparents.

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