Saturday, October 18, 2008

Open House at the rescue squad

I have not written in a while for a number of reasons: our computer broke down and we were without one for a week, I worked a lot of overtime, and my brother came to visit from across the country.

Today, our local volunteer rescue squad (the Hopewell Emergency Crew) held their annual open house. I decided to take Morgan. Jim was sleeping because he worked OT last night.
Morgan and I got in the car and went to McDonald's first. She had her usual chicken nuggets Happy Meal and I had a quarter pounder with cheese. We always sit at the same table. Morgan doesn't want to try another table, she likes our regular one just fine.

After we ate, we headed to the open house.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the Hopewell Emergency Crew building. Morgan was immediately drawn to the ambulances that had their lights flashing.

Once we got inside, she headed straight to the balloons. She loves balloons. The lady twisted two balloons into a flower for Morgan.

Next, Morgan got a heart painted on her face. She has wanted her face painted at other places we've gone to, but the lines were too long. So, she finally got to do it and all she wanted was a heart, but she loved it.

The crew had some line dancers at the open house. They were teaching people how to line dance when we came in. There was music the whole time we were there and Morgan surprised me by going on the dance floor (without me) and dancing up a storm. She danced and danced. She even was the only one on the floor sometimes. I thought she would be too shy. I am glad she has opened up.

Sometimes she tried following the line dancers and did a good job. One of the ladies was telling her when to kick.

I wish I had done more than one video clip of her dancing. I didn't realize until we got home that she had stopped dancing while I was taping her to pick her nose! Oh well, here is the clip:

Morgan took a break from dancing to get on the firetruck. She had already climbed on the ambulance.

She played a game where she had to throw balls into pumpkins. Instead of standing behind the pumpkins to throw the ball in from the ones further away, she walked over to them and dropped them in. Hey! We just told her she had to get it into the pumpkin. She got a bag of candy for "winning".

Morgan posed for this picture:

We went into a room where they had a lot of equipment out and Morgan liked seeing her shadow on the projection screen.

She thought the manikin was a dead person and I explained it was like a big doll, so she had to check it out for herself.

We stayed there three hours. We had a really great time! It's too bad her Daddy couldn't see her out there dancing.

Once we finally got home, she drank a cup of milk and crashed. I took a three hour nap and she took a 4 1/2 hour nap!

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