Monday, November 3, 2008

Hide and Go Seek

I never fail to get a kick out of Morgan! Tonight, her Daddy was outside burning some tree branches that had fallen. Morgan wanted to go outside with him. She sat by the fire some and then she played.

I came outside to make sure she wasn't cold. I was about to go inside when she asked me to play hide and go seek with her. We've never played it before, so I imagine she has either played with friends, or seen it on the television.

I told her that I would play and she told me that I had to count to ten, and she would hide. So, I turned my back to her and counted. Then I said, "Ready or not, here I come!"

When I turned around, she hadn't gone far. She was a few feet away, hugging a tree.

I asked, "Where's Morgan?" She replied, "HERE I am!"

I told her that she wasn't supposed to answer me! That I was supposed to find her! She never got it. Every time she told me where she was! That was just too cute. She always puts a smile on my face.

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