Saturday, November 8, 2008

Morgan's First Time at the Movies

Morgan came to me this morning, held out her arm, then said, "Smell me. I'm stinky." She always tells me she is stinky when she wants to take a bath. Of course, she smelled just fine. But, I agreed with her and said, "Phew! You ARE stinky! You need to take a bath!

After her long bubble bath with her tub toys (that number about 30), she wanted her hair in a towel like Mommy does her hair after a shower.
After she got dressed, she wanted to paint. I was thinking, "Oh great! She should have painted before she took a bath!" But, she did not get one drop of paint on her. She painted six pictures because she has six colors of paint and only paints one color per page.

You'll notice she now has two temporary tattoos on. One with Dora the Explorer, and one with a toothbrush and a dentist ad. Morgan's Daddy hates temporary tattoos, but hey, they are only temporary!

By the time she was done painting, Jim woke up. He had worked overtime last night. We had planned on taking Morgan to see a movie at a theater for the first time. "Madagascar Escape 2 Africa" opened yesterday. Morgan has the first movie that came out in 2005 and loves it, so I figured the sequel would be the perfect movie to take her to.
Morgan wanted to bring Bert and Ernie with her. On the way out, she pointed out that the moon was out.

We went to McDonald's first. We didn't have time before the movie to go to a regular restaurant. I wanted to see if McDonald's had the Madagascar toys in the Happy Meals yet anyway. They did and Morgan got the giraffe character (Melman).
After a quick dinner, we headed to the movie theater. I had purchased the tickets in advance so we didn't have to wait in line, but, there was a long line for the snack bar. Morgan and I went and got seats while Jim bought the popcorn.
I thought that when Morgan saw the huge movie screen that she would be in awe. But, she just looked at it and asked when Madagascar was coming. You would have thought that she had been to the movies before. She was pretty nonchalant about everything, except sitting next to another girl about her age.
When we sat down, she told me she wanted to say hi to the little girl next to her. She said, "Hi!" and the girl just looked at her. She looked kind of shy. So, Morgan said hi to her again. After that, the girl switched seats and sat on the other side of her Mom. I don't know if she was just shy or if Morgan gave her the creeps (like a stalker would). I am hoping she was just shy. I didn't think that Morgan was acting creepy.
Anyway, we all liked the movie. I haven't decided if I like it more than the first one yet. But, I did like it. When it was over, Morgan looked at me and asked, "Can we see it again?" I explained that the movie was over, but we will more than likely take her again. Jim was pleasantly surprised that Morgan (and the rest of the audience) was well behaved.

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