Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I lucked out this year and was off the day before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day. Jim wasn't so lucky, he had to work. Since I was off on Wednesday, I was able to prep and get a lot of things done the day before, like the pecan pies.

But, since Jim was working, I had to load everything to take to Sandy's house on my own. Sandy and I always do Thanksgiving at her house since it is much larger than our house.

I made the turkey, gravy, stuffing, royal yams, green beans slow cooked with bacon, roasted vegetables, and pecan pies.

I usually make more side dishes, but Sandy and her daughter, Paula, made more than enough. Sandy made a ham, so we had plenty of meat.

As usual, I couldn't get Morgan to eat anything, not even mashed potatoes. She had a great time though. For the first time, she didn't cling to me at Thanksgiving and I was able to eat my food.

Morgan kept busy playing with the dog and cats and stealing the cat toys. Here she is showing me a toy mouse, or "cat rat" as Sandy's husband called it.

Here she is running away with the cat's toys.

She enjoyed hanging out with Sandy's grandkids. Here she is with Madison.

She finally wore down.

As for the rest of us, we enjoyed our feast! All of the food was great, (as usual)! Jim didn't miss out though. I packed several containers of food for him and took it to him at work.

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